What Spoils the Fountain Poisons the Well
Indiscriminate Collector
Burnt-Out Chariot
Cool Down (Up in Smoke)
Ship of Fools
The Exit Is A Trap
Trick Fall
Everything That Rises
Older Works
Warning Signs
Throw It In the Pool
Stuffed Up
Kudzu Covers, Leaving/ Staying
Sign of Sale, Snake in the Swamp
Language Enters
Operational Intercourse
Guy Line & Articulated
What Spoils the Fountain Poisons the Well
Indiscriminate Collector
Burnt-Out Chariot
Cool Down (Up in Smoke)
Ship of Fools
The Exit Is A Trap
Trick Fall
Everything That Rises
Older Works
Warning Signs
Throw It In the Pool
Stuffed Up
Kudzu Covers, Leaving/ Staying
Sign of Sale, Snake in the Swamp
Language Enters
Operational Intercourse
Guy Line & Articulated
Inversion (Corner Deconstruction, 2)
Sheet Rock, Wood, Foam. Installed for
The Artists Studio: Summer Studio
in the Sullivan Galleries, Chicago, IL.
What Spoils the Fountain Poisons the Well
Indiscriminate Collector
Burnt-Out Chariot
Cool Down (Up in Smoke)
Ship of Fools
The Exit Is A Trap
Trick Fall
Everything That Rises
Older Works
Warning Signs
Throw It In the Pool
Stuffed Up
Kudzu Covers, Leaving/ Staying
Sign of Sale, Snake in the Swamp
Language Enters
Operational Intercourse
Guy Line & Articulated